Evolution of
Rhythmic gymnastics
The RSG is at constant evolution .


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Heinrich medau
The teacher of physics education Hinrich Medau, qualified at the school of Bode, opened a school at Berlin, Germany in the year 1929, later of a recess, opened other school at Coburg, Germany later of the second world war. Dissident of the approached by his teacher. Seeing the gymnastics in the sense of the hearth , keeping of the body and grace, searching the esthetic part of the exercises. Medau insist in a natural move, using the complete body, convinced that rhythmic gymnastics can heighten the feelings of joy and beautiful of the movements.

Has introduced the use of the apparatus beginning with ball, Has noticed that if a gymnast it concentrate just in the apparatus, she would be less conscious of her body, this mean in movements more relaxed and naturals , making up a procedure methodological for achieve movements rhythmic , fluid and totals, later was used the clubs specifically for work with:

Oscillations of arms together with a total movement of body producing a constant play of flexo extension in the different articulations.

For mark rhythm hitting against the floor and other objects

Later was introduced the hoop.

After years of work. Medau and his coworkers synthesized the value and finality of the apparatus utilized in the rhythmic gymnastics.

A essential help for create good movements.
A fast way for training of relaxation, economy in the efforts and freedom of movements.
Essential for work toward the obtention of a natural movement, natural flows and free of affectation.

© 2006 RGChile